I Need You Hangover panto havana reading glasses I Need You Hangover panto havana reading glasses

I Need You Hangover panto havana reading glasses


Hangover panto round Havana reading glasses See in the weekend with a hangover. Named hangov..

I Need You Hangover brown turquoise I Need You Hangover brown turquoise

I Need You Hangover brown turquoise


Hangover Neck Brown Turquoise Reading Glasses Hangover neck brown turquoise design winning read..

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No Hangover guaranteed!

No Hangover guaranteed!

A Night Out with No Hangover Guaranteed - Thanks to John and Violine!

The after-shoot party for John and Violine was an epic disaster. After a long day of filming, the two stars decided they were going to celebrate with a few drinks - and things quickly went off the rails. Before anyone had time to stop them, John and Violine were stumbling across the room in their drunken stupor, singing loudly and acting in general disgraceful manner. Even when their fellow cast members tried to intervene, the two stars refused to be stopped and continued their merrymaking until they eventually passed out in a corner. Around each of their necks hung a pair of reading glasses. It was a night that no one present would soon forget!

Shaken by what had occurred, everyone present at the after-shoot party was relieved when the following day John and Violine remembered nothing of their shameful behaviour. However, even though they may not have recalled what had occurred, it was impossible to ignore the knowing looks exchanged by everyone present. It was clear that these two stars were going to be remembered for this outrageous display for a long time to come!

The cast members were amazed to discover that when John and violine came back on set that they did not have a hangover, not a dry mouth or a headache in sight!


John and Violine don't have to worry about suffering through a hangover the morning after, because they don’t get one, they wear them. Sure, they may not be able to look in the mirror without wincing as many of us do when we've had too much to drink. But for them, it's more like reading glasses than a punishment. When not wearing their hangovers, they can place them on their heads or hang them around their necks and no matter how much they drank, whilst they may not be able to recall the details of their evening, at least they knew where their reading glasses are! So, if you're looking for company that won't let a hangover ruin your night out, John and Violine will always have your back cheers!

You can browse the full collection of reading glasses from I Need You here at Funkyreaders!